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1000 Books on the Namibian Economy Donated to National Libraries!

LearnOnOne is thrilled to share fantastic news for anyone passionate about learning about Namibia’s economy! The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has generously donated 1,000 copies of ‘A Guide to the Namibian Economy’ to the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture.

This insightful resource, written by the renowned economist Mr Robin Sherbourne, will be distributed to 66 public and school libraries across Namibia. The 700-page guide is a comprehensive overview of Namibia’s economic landscape, making it an invaluable tool for students, researchers, and anyone interested in learning about our nation’s financial workings.

Empowering Learners and Fostering a Reading Culture

Mr. Graham Hopwood, IPPR’s Executive Director, highlighted the book’s potential to benefit students, particularly those pursuing commerce-related studies. Ms. Sanet Steenkamp, the Ministry’s Executive Director, echoed this sentiment, emphasising the donation’s role in promoting a reading culture and ensuring equitable access to knowledge.

This initiative aligns perfectly with LearnOnOne Namibia’s mission to empower learners and establish a knowledge-based society. By providing access to high-quality resources like ‘A Guide to the Namibian Economy,’ we can ignite a passion for reading and equip citizens with the tools for lifelong learning and personal growth.

Enriching Libraries and Building Strong Communities

Sarah Negumbo, Director of the Namibia Library and Archives Service (NLAS), expressed optimism about the donation’s contribution to their goals. By enriching libraries with these books, NLAS aims to create environments that foster curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity among learners and community members.

We celebrate this generous donation from IPPR and applaud their commitment to improving access to knowledge in Namibia! Let’s continue to support initiatives that promote reading and empower our communities!