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LearnOnOne Receives Hit 4 Hope Charity Golf Day Sponsorship!

We’re happy to announce that we’ve officially received our portion of the sponsorship funds raised at the incredible Hit 4 Hope Charity Golf Day, an initiative by Future Media with the support of Sanlam Namibia!

These funds are a game-changer, allowing us to dive right into crucial groundwork at schools across Namibia. We look forward to spreading the message about the LearnOnOne platform and show learners just how much it can help them do better in their studies!

As a beneficiary of the event, alongside the Side-By-Side Early Intervention Centre, we were recognised for our dedication to providing essential educational support to Namibian learners.

Here’s what this sponsorship means:

  • Empowering Schools: We’ll be visiting schools across the country, introducing educators and learners to the LearnOnOne platform and its potential to transform learning. ‍
  • Boosting Learners Success: By highlighting the platform’s features and benefits, we can give learners the tools they need to understand their school work, improve their marks, and reach their full potential!

Thank You!

A heartfelt thanks once again to Future Media and Sanlam Namibia for organising such an impactful event. We’d also want to thank all golfers and organisations who spent the day with us on the course to raise funds for Namibian education.

Together, we’re making a real difference in Namibian education.