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Six fun holiday activities for the whole family

The holiday is in full swing for most Namibian learners, but boredom is always a risk.

So, to keep your little ones and the whole family entertained, we have compiled a list of fun activities you and your entire family can do this festive season. Pick and choose which activities suit your family best and let the fun begin! 

  1. Start a family tradition

Whether it’s a bucket list or a sentimental activity like a family Christmas card, a family tradition is one way of having fun while creating beautiful memories.

  1. Cook and bake

Parents, we all know how hectic the year gets, so why not use this time to teach the kids some cooking and baking skills? You will enjoy the quality time spent in the kitchen, and your children will become reliable kitchen helpers. 

  1. Make a family tree

Take some time to explore your family history and lineage by creating your very own family tree. You and your kids will learn so much about your heritage, and you will be able to document it all. No need to sweat the details, draw and scrapbook – this will add a creative and fun element to the activity. If you get stuck, call family members to fill in any gaps with information, photos or family memorabilia.  

  1. Create handmade Christmas cards

Spread the love by creating handmade Christmas cards to send to your loved ones. Consider posting them through the mail to add a trip to the post office to your list.

  1. Do a random act of kindness

It is the season to be jolly and kind, so show your children the importance of giving by challenging them to do a random act of kindness whenever possible. This can range from dropping off gifts at orphanages or giving out food to the homeless.

  1. Create vision boards 

To start 2023 on a good note, take an afternoon off to create vision boards as a family. This will teach your kids the importance of setting their intentions for the year ahead and it will be fun to look back on the boards at the end of 2023 to see what you have accomplished.

*Photos sourced from Unsplash + freepik

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