What to watch on LearnOnOne

Exams are here and LearnOnOne remains a great tool for learners to get free, EXTRA lessons to help them pass. Fully endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC), our lessons are based 100% on the Namibian curriculum and are taught by Namibian teachers. With a wide range of subjects for learners across the grades’ spectrum, there is something for every learner. We thank our content partners for making these lessons possible.
My Zone Preschool and Grade 1-7
My Zone Preschool content and Grade 1 – 7 lessons form part of collaborations with the MoEAC and the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF). My Zone content for Preschoolers features ECD shows like Ubongo Kids and Akili & Me. This content is available every weekday from 13h30 to 15h30.
Eduvision Grade 10 & 11
Edugate Academy is a private school in Otjiwarongo well known for its strong academic performance and its Eduvision project that operates interactive classrooms for rural schools. Eduvision empowers remote, marginalised schools through e-learning and modern technology with the assistance of teachers from the Edugate Academy. Eduvision lessons on LearnOnOne include Maths, Science, Biology, Economics and English for Grade 10 and 11 learners. Eduvision lessons are available every weekday at 17h00.
NAMCOL Grade 8, 9, 10 & 11 (Special Focus Topics)
Through a Memorandum of Understanding with the MoEAC, LearnOnOne broadcasts Grade 8, 9, 10 and 11 lessons produced by the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL). These lessons include Maths, Accounting, Home Economics, Indigenous Languages and technical subjects such as Building Studies. Namcol lessons are available every weekday from 15h30.
St. Paul’s College Grade 10 – 11 Economics
Mrs Visser, a St. Paul’s College teacher, provides Economics lessons aired on LearnOnOne. A passionate qualified educator with 27 years’ experience, Mrs Visser provides the lessons as an added resource for teachers and students across Namibia.
Catch all lessons every weekday on LearnOnOne, available on OneAfrica (GOtv channel 24 and DStv channel 284).