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Help a child in need to start their school year on the right note

  • Donate a school bag with stationary through the School Of Destiny Associates’ ‘One Means a Thousand’ campaign

Did you know that in Namibia, at least 51.3 per cent of children aged 0 to 17 years live in poverty? With these alarming statistics, we all must do our part to help a child in need in any way we can.

Thankfully, organisations like the School Of Destiny Associates (SODA) do great work to uplift underprivileged children. Under their motto, “One Means a Thousand”, they have created a movement to teach Namibians that sharing with one person can mean empowering a thousand. 

One of the projects the organisation continuously works on are initiatives like their back-to-school stationery and uniform drive.

As an educational organisation committed to empowering Namibian learners with the tools needed to succeed, LearnOnOne is proud to join SODA in ensuring that as many children receive the boost they need to kick start their school year. 

Together, we are encouraging Namibians to spare a dollar and a thought by buying a school bag filled with basic Primary School stationery such as:

  • School bag
  • Pencils
  • Rulers, sharpeners and erasers
  • Book covers
  • Glue
  • Crayons and colouring pencils
  • Activity books 
  • School shoes

Your contributions can make a difference in the lives of many children, so don’t hesitate to drop off your donation at the OneAfrica offices. For more information, contact Sydney Boois (SODAEvent Coordinator ) at 0812400268 or Dinalao Karingombe at 0814939773.

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