Simple tips to keep your child motivated this semester

With the semester in full swing, most parents are well into the flow of day-to-day school-related activities. We all want our children to finish well, however, we do not always have the tools to keep them motivated throughout the semester. LearnOnOne has the following simple tips to keep your child motivated.
Ten minutes of daily reading
Foster a reading culture in your home by making time to read everyday. If they see you reading and enjoying it, they will be curious. As little as ten-minutes a day can make a significant difference. In no time, your children will be excited to read for themselves.
Give incentives
It may sound intense, but you should be 100% invested in your children’s progress. That means helping them with their homework every single day! To make homework time feel less stressful, give incentives like screen time or a 30 minute later bedtime. Knowing that there is something to look forward to immediately after completing their homework can be a great motivator.
Pass the study tips forward
What were some of your best study tips as a learner/student? Pass these on to your child and help them find systems, hacks and tricks to better understand their work. These can take off the load when studying becomes overwhelming.
Be gentle
Mistakes are part of learning. Just as you do, your child will also make mistakes. Equip them with the tools they need to learn from their mistakes instead of beating themselves up. Remember that sometimes children will learn the importance of being prepared once they realise what happens when they aren’t.
For more tips and tricks to help you and your children survive the school year, stay tuned to LearnOnOne. And for extra lessons to help your child with their school work, watch LearnOnOne on OneAfrica, every weekday from 07h30 to 12h30 and afternoons from 13h30 to 17h30. Daily live streams are available on